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It’s hard to believe that Heather and I are less than a month away from our wedding. The planning and preparation continues to go well as all of the big details are taken care of. I guess it’s sort of like the calm before the storm of all the things that will need to happen the week of the wedding.
Last week we were also blessed with a great week of support raising. Several of you really stepped up and made the commitment to support us this next year. For that we say a huge THANK YOU!! We have a good bit of monthly support to raise but we are confident that God will provide because we believe that Gainesville is where he has called us to this next year.
As most of you know, baseball is one of my favorite things in life. I got to go to another game yesterday at Coors Field with Heather. Here is a picture from the game yesterday:
 At the Rockies game in Denver, CO
Yesterday when we were at the Rockies game I made the comment that Heather’s probably been to more baseball games this summer (3) than she has in her whole life. She said I’m probably right.
 At the Rangers game in Arlington, TX
Please keep my sister Katelyn (picture below on the left) in your prayers. She is in Kenya on a missions trip with the student ministry “Refuge” of Valley Ranch Baptist Church. She has been there about a week and has about 10 days to go. Please pray for the health and protection for her team and that God would give them amazing opportunities to share his life and love with the people they encounter.

Me, Heather, and Katelyn at the Rangers game back in June.
I am currently trying to transition to a more “grown up” email address. My old email address has served me well since my middle school days but I figure it’s time for a change. If could please update my email address in your address books to [email protected] that would be great!! (And yes, I did keep the 02 in the email address. After all, 2 is my favorite number.) 
Well, I guess that’s all I have for now. As always, thank you so much for your prayers and support. Heather and I could not do what we do without your love and support.
Living and Loving, Life and God,
Chad and Heather

One response to “Counting Down”

  1. Okay! I’ll change to the email address, but I’m still going to call you B man. We’re all excited for the big day.