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My trek across the country with Heather continues to go well. We arrived into Denver, Colorado Tuesday night and have had a great time with her family. Each day we check a few more things off our to-do list (Heather bought my wedding band on Wednesday!!) for the wedding and merging our lives together.

A random fact about me is that one of my lesser life goals is to go to as many Major League Baseball stadiums as I can during my life. On Saturday I’ll get to check another one off my list (and my first with Heather) as Heather and I will be going to see the Colorado Rockies play at Coors Field in downtown Denver. Needless to say, I’m pretty excited. In case you are wondering, that will bring me to six stadiums (the Atlanta Braves, Texas Rangers, Houston Astros, Arizona D-Backs, Kansas City Royals, and Colorado Rockies).

Recently I just finished reading the book “The Shack” by William P. Young. While it is a work of fiction, originally written by Young as a story for his 6 children, I believe there are some rich truths found in his writing. Sadly, the Christian community is torn on the value of and truth found in this book. I encourage you to check it out and figure out for yourself the truth found in its pages. One of my favorite statements from the books is found in the forward on page 11 where Young writes “I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships so will our healing . . .” If you are struggling with the question of where God is in the midst of our pain, or trust, or forgiveness, then maybe this book will help you on your journey as it has helped me.

“Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink . . .” Isaiah 55:1

On the journey,

2 responses to “Colorado”

  1. I still got you beat:

    Yankee Stadium
    Camden Yards

    Although, alas, not too many this season!

    See you soon!