
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Over the past week or so in Gainesville, GA life has been great but very busy. Heather and I have signed a lease on an apartment for the fall, have a cell phone family plan, registered at Target and Bed, Bath, Beyond, and have done many other things in preparation for marriage and our move to Georgia.

Our pre-marital counseling has gone really well this week. Jeff and Kelly have been such a blessing to us and so helpful. We ask for your continued prayers as we prepare for marriage and learn to mold our lives into one.

Yesterday Heather and I visited the church that Jeff co-pastors called the Phoenix Community of Atlanta. They meet in a pizza place so it gives a very unique and laid back feel to church. I’ve been offered the opportunity to help out with their worship team so I will probably do that once a month or so in the fall.

AIM has an awesome community as well. Last night a group of 12 or so people came over to Don and Connie’s and made a meal together. After the meal we shared thoughts and things God is teaching us about Romans 12, someone shared their story, and we prayed together. It’s not anything official, it’s a just a community group that people choose into and Heather and I are looking forward to being part of that as well.

On Wednesday we leave Georgia to go to New York for about a week. Heather grew up in upstate New York about an hour south of Rochester. I’m excited to meet Heather’s mom, stepdad, brother and other family as well as getting to see a different part of the country.

Please be in prayer for us as we have a lot of travel ahead of us. We also ask for your continued prayers as we are raising our support for this next year. Thank you so much to those of you who have recommitted to financially supporting Heather and me in this first year of our life together. It’s such a blessing to see how God uses his entire church body to take the message of love all over the world.

Living and Loving, Life and God!!


One response to “Busy, Busy”

  1. You two will be an awesome addition to the Gainesville community! It’s been great having you around and will be missed. See you August 2nd!