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Thoughts & Inspiration

I am always amazed at how God works in me and then continues that process within me. Over the summer God continually brought me back to this passage in Jeremiah which says: “For my people have done two evil things: They have forsaken me – the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all.” Jeremiah 2:13 (NLT)

As I do each morning, I made a nice mug of tea (milk and two sugars) and sat down to have my time with God. I put on some worship music and the song that came on was a song by Jordan Johnson called “Preserve Me.” Some of the lyrics read:

Preserve me oh God, let not shame stand in my way. I have no good apart from you. 2x
But I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy. 2x
Won’t you open up my soul? 2x
Preserve me oh God, write Your word upon my heart. I have no good apart from you.
Your streams of mercy, You’re never ceasing.
Your streams of mercy, they have no end.
But I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy. 3x

This is one of my favourite worship songs at the moment and I have heard it loads over the last week. However, this morning God used the line “But I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy” to really speak to me and draw me back to the above passage from Jeremiah.

Saturday I wrote about a mountain top experience that I had. When we find ourselves on those mountain tops, it can be so easy to tell God, “You know what, thanks for all that you’ve done lately, but I think I can handle it from here. I’ll let you know when I need something.”

I don’t’ believe that I’ve yet told God that I’ll take the reins but I fear I may have been on that path. So, I believe that God has drawn me back to this passage to do a heart check and ask, “What are cracked cisterns that you are building in your life Chad?”

I would ask that same question of you; what are cracked cisterns that you are building in your life? Are you trying to go about life in your own strength? Have you forsaken the fountain of living water?

I’d just like to share that verse again:

“For my people have done two evil things: They have forsaken me – the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all.” Jeremiah 2:13 (NLT)

My prayer for today:

Do anything you need to do in me God so that you can do everything you desire to do through me.

May we dive deep into his never ending streams of mercy this day.
