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Many of you have inquired as to my books I mentioned when I spoke at Generations Church on January 7th and books I have quoted from or made reference to on my blog. Please let me offer a bit of a disclaimer; these books are simply not for everyone. While I find these books very challenging and inspiring, others might find them offensive because the authors challenge traditional/accepted views and practices of Christianity and the church today. So please, if you read these books on my recommendation, search out the issues for yourselves.

The books I am currently reading or have recently finished are:

The Barbarian Way by Erwin Raphael McManus
Stand Against the Wind by Erwin Raphael McManus
The Ever-Loving Truth by Voddie Baucham, Jr.
The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman

I highly recommend “Stand Against the Wind.” It is an easy read, devotional style book that addresses the issue of character development. “The Barbarian Way” is one that will not be for all readers. However, if you would like an eye opening experience and more than likely have your views of church and what it means to be a Christian challenged, then I recommend this book. “The Ever-Loving Truth” addresses the issue of our faith in a post-Christian or post-modern culture. I am in the process of reading this book and it has some interesting thoughts in it.

While I do not intend for my blog to be a book recommendation and critique site, I do mention these books and thoughts that come from them because I find them to be important in my development as a Christ follower. In the classic film “Tommy Boy,” Tommy’s dad offers up this bit of wisdom; “You’re either growing or you’re dying, there ain’t no third direction.” The bible offers similar advise in Revelation 3:15-17 (NLT):

15 I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, “I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’’t need a thing!” And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.

As followers of Christ, we are to do just that, follow him. A relationship with Christ is a journey and adventure. On a journey you can’t obviously go anywhere by standing still. On this journey as a Christ follower, we are to grow, to learn, to be challenged, and to think outside of the box. Basically, we are to live the life that Christ modeled for us.

In my current season of life I have had the opportunity to do extensive learning through teaching sessions and private study. I encourage you to do the same. Pick up one of the books I’ve mentioned or one of the countless other books that are out there about the spiritual life and journey with Christ.

We are not inactive or passive in this journey with Christ. To be truly transformed takes God’s action and well as yours and mine. Erwin Raphael McManus says:

Transformation is both the miracle of God and the stewardship of man. Godliness is a result of both divine activity and human action. God promises to do what we cannot do for ourselves, and He commands us to do that which He will not do for us. There is both miracle and responsibility. God entrust us with His resources, and then He hold us accountable for what we do with them. ““Stand Against the Wing:” p 46

If you are seeking transformation in life, are you doing your part?

I will now step down off my soap box knows as a blog. This is just something that God has really laid on my heart and I wanted to share with you all.

We had fruitful week of ministry. In the schools we are beginning a series of lessons in the assemblies and lunch clubs that look at the life of Joseph. The initial response and interst from the kids is exciting. There were numerous God conversations at the Eden Bus and boys and girls club this week as well. God has done watering of many of the seeds He has planted and it was awesome to be a part of that process this week.

Tomorrow I have guitar club and a laser tag outing through St. James’ church that I have helped organize. There are two young people I am particularly excited about that will be attending the laser tag event with us. They are siblings who’s mom we work with at the boys and girls clubs. As far as I know they have little or no exposure to church. My teammate Rachel and I have a good relationship with their mother so she trusts us to watch her kids and take them out for a night of entertainment. While just a small step forward and an initial involvement with church, it is a step forward none the less. God is moving and people are experiencing his love through conversations and laser tag. No opportunity is too small in God’s kindom work!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I should have new information in the next week or two regarding partnering with me in God’s work in Salford, Engalnd.

Live and Love, Life and God! (Thanks Babette, I love this phrase)

Chad Mustain