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Thoughts & Inspiration

Over the past week in Dallas, Heather and I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of our friends and family. From the moment we arrived at my parents house last Saturday we began receiving wedding gifts and it literally hasn’t stopped. A group of ladies put on a beautiful wedding shower on Saturday and everyday since then we have received gifts in the mail, someone dropping one by the house, or giving one to my dad at the church. Heather and I are so thankful to be surrounded by friends and family all over the country who care for us and want to help us begin our lives together.
Father’s Day on Sunday was one that I will always remember. Through the years I’ve collected old replica NBA basketball jerseys from Goodwill. On Sunday somehow I managed to get everyone to wear a jersey to our big Father’s Day lunch. It was a fun and memorable way to celebrate Dad and the man of belief and practice that he is. Here’s a picture or two from Father’s Day.
My NBA jersey collection from Goodwill (minus Caleb’s J. Kidd jersey). Not pictured Tim Duncan and Muggsy Bogues.
As many of you all know, back in May our house in England was broken into and I lost my MacBook Pro and my iPod. There is an amazing group of men that my dad works with at Valley Ranch (who I had never even met before) that decided they wanted to help me replace the things I had lost. So on Tuesday I was given a check and on Wednesday I was able to buy a brand new MacBook and iPod. As if that wasn’t enough, I even got a free printer as part of the purchase.
Again, Heather and I are just overwhelm at how this community has reached out to us and provided for us. It has been an amazing “Acts 2” church experience and we are so, so grateful.
On Wednesday and Thursday Heather and I were able to share what God has done in our lives and in the ministries we’ve been a part of at the VRBC’s mission team meeting and at vacation bible school. The process of putting pictures and words together to try and encompass all that God has done is quite a daunting experience. After having about a month to reflect on all that God has done, we just feel honored to have been a part in all that God did and continues to do in both England and South Africa.
Last night I had the opportunity to share my story and experiences with a group of men who call themselves the “Thursday Knights.” It was this group, along with the help of others at VRBC, that spear-headed the efforts to replace my computer. These guys are a humble group of men who really live out the Donald Miller statement: “What I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do.” I was honored to share with this group and have them gather around me (literally) in prayer for my upcoming marriage and ministry.
Today my family is headed up to Oklahoma for a wedding shower with friends and family up that way. Heather and I will also be at Generations Church on Sunday and are really looking forward to sharing all that God has done.
All week I’ve pondering a verse I stumbled upon in 1 Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 4 Paul is writing to a group of Christians who have become arrogant, argumentative, and static. At the end of the chapter in verse 20 Paul offers this simple statement and challenge:
“For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God’s power. Which do you choose?”
I choose this day to live by the power of God. For on my own I am a mess and weak but in him I have hope and am strong.