
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On Thursday and Friday I had the opportunity to visit Bath, England. One of our good family friends that we know from Norman, OK called Robin is from Bath. He and his wife have lived in the States for the last few years. Robin was in Bath for a bit of a reunion of sorts so it was great to visit with him and meet several members of his family and several friends as well. Here are a few pictures from my visit:

Me and Robin outside the Bath Abby by a statue that a friend of his carved.

An awesome building call the Crescent.

Picture from the Roman Baths looking up to the Bath Abby.

Me at the Roman Baths

For more photos of my time in Bath go to:

Today we finish up our Holiday Club at St. James. We’ve had about 25 kids from St. James and the local schools attend which is great. Later today I’m going to a football match with the Lay Reader from St. James so that should be a lot of fun. I’ll post some pictures of that later tonight or tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for us as we try to finish strong and also as we begin the good-bye process.

Living and Loving, Life and God!!
