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Well, after spending the better part of last 72 hours in airports I’ve arrived back in England. My travels essentially started on Tuesday heading back from Arizona. I got in late Tuesday night from Arizona, finished packing up my bags, and left on Wednesday for England arriving on Thursday at about 10:30am local time.

To try and catch up on the past two weeks . . . . I had a great time with my family at Grand Lake in Tulsa, OK. I went with my parents and Katelyn and Joy and Caleb were able to join us for a few days as well. It was great to spend time together as a family before leaving to come back to England.

The real highlight of the last two weeks was my trip to Arizona with Katelyn. We flew out to visit my friend Rachel from last year’s team in England. We had so much fun together and went to the Grand Canyon, an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game, hiking in the surround mountains of Phoenix, to see Hairspray at the drive-in movie, and just lot’s of sight-seeing around the Phoenix area.

The Grand Canyon is so brilliantly breath-takingly beautiful that words just don’t seem to do it justice. I took picture after picture trying to capture it all but it’s just not possible. It was truly a wonderful experience hiking down into the Canyon, having a picnic lunch, and drinking a coffee (the weather was in the 70’s) while overlooking the Canyon.

I’m currently moving all my photos from Yahoo photos to Shutterfly. As soon as this process is complete I’ll upload all my photos from my Arizona trip.

It was so great catching up with friends here in England yesterday. I had lunch with Madeline (my English gran) yesterday, caught up with Henry Martin, had curry for dinner with Ian Fellows, and stopped in to see Dave, Stu, and Amy Fraser. I wish I could have captured the smiles on Madeline and Stu’s faces when I saw them yesterday. It was so wonderful to see them again. I’m really looking forward to getting back into the flow of things here in England and catching up with everyone.

In the next few days I’ll post a link for new pictures and also some specific ways you can pray for us in England.

It was so great to catch up with so many of you this summer. I’ll be back in Coppell December 20th to January 3rd for Christmas break. I’ll look forward to seeing many of you then.

Take care and please be in prayer for me.

Living and Loving, Life and God!
