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Busy, Busy

Over the past week or so in Gainesville, GA life has been great but very busy. Heather and I have signed a lease on an apartment for the fall, have a cell phone family plan, registered at Target and … Read more about Busy, Busy


Well, Heather and I arrived safely into Georgia Friday night. While in Roswell over the weekend Heather managed to purchase her wedding dress, we caught up a few friends, had a great visit to one of … Read more about Georgia

Learning Slowly

Over the past few days I have been learning slowly the lesson of forgiveness. I realize there are far worse things going on in the world than our stolen laptops. However, I believe God uses … Read more about Learning Slowly


Yesterday between 2:00 and 3:00pm local time our house was broken into. Fortunately, no one was home so no one was harmed. Electronics were the primary things that were stolen, mainly laptop … Read more about Discouraged