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Arrived Safely

Friends and Family- I just have a moment but I wanted to let you all know that we all arrived safely in England. As an added bonus, all of our luggage arrived when we did which was brilliant. Andrea … Read more about Arrived Safely


Hannah Whitall Smith says: Let your heart and your hand be as free to serve Him as His heart and hand were to serve you. Hannah Whitall Smith "The Christians Secret of a Happy Life" p 222 I … Read more about Serving

New Team Arriving

Our FYM England 2007-2008 team arrives today. Please be in prayer that Katie, Jacobs, Jarred, and Robby will all arrive safely today. Please also be in prayer that God will work in their lives over … Read more about New Team Arriving


So, I've been in Gainesville, GA for about a week now. The training is going very well and I am feeling much more equipped to help lead our team in England. However, the greatest reward of this … Read more about Training

Greenbelt Part 2

Wow, what a brilliant weekend!! I truly, truly had an absolutely wonderful time. Some of the highlights were worshipping with Matt Redman, hearing challenging talks from John L. Bell and John Smith, … Read more about Greenbelt Part 2


So I'm proper excited to be going to this HUGE Christian music and arts festival this weekend called Greenbelt. For more info copy and paste this link into your web … Read more about Greenbelt

Quick Update

Hello All- I just wanted to give a quick update and let you know that I'm alive and well. We've had problems with the internet at our house so my internet time has been limited to 30 minutes a day … Read more about Quick Update