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Friends and Family-

I just have a moment but I wanted to let you all know that we all arrived safely in England. As an added bonus, all of our luggage arrived when we did which was brilliant. Andrea and I picked up our newest participant today as she joined us a day later because she flew home to repack since she transferred to us from one of the Africa teams.

The excitement of the participants is absolutely amazing. We have about a week’s worth of orientation on the community, the churches, ministry sites, and just getting around the greater Manchester area. Please pray for safety as it can be intimidating and at times dangerous learning to look the correct (right in England) way before stepping out into traffic, what places to avoid, and just loads of new people and environments.

Please also remember in prayer our staff as these are exciting times for us as well but there is much preparation to do and knowledge to impart.

Our new house is brilliant and we are settling in nicely. It’s hilarious to learn the funny quirks of a house that is around 100 years old. England tends to be a bit slow on things and it will still be several weeks before the house is set up for wireless internet. So until then, public computers are the primary form of communication.

I look forward to sharing in the next few days from books I have been reading and the things God has been doing in my life. Until then . . . .

Live and Love, Life and God,

7 responses to “Arrived Safely”

  1. Our prayers were answered! So glad you arrived safely. Keep us posted on your “new” home. Sorta, kinda roughing it:-)

    Love and blessings to you! J

  2. Glad you are back in England safely. Myself, Kelly and the boys miss seeing you each night. We love you and know God is going to use you and your team in a big way. Take care and I will talk to you soon.

  3. Glad to hear you (and the luggage!) all arrived safely – we’ll be praying for you all as you settle in.

    Robin & Karen

  4. “England tends to be a bit slow”?
    We prefer the word “cautious” here, Mr Chaddington Chadwell III.

    Or at least that’s what the post office says about all the late deliveries.

    Welcome back, by the way. It’s going to be a privilege to work with you all.

  5. Now Ian you have not told Chad about the caves that we all lived in or is it just our friends from USA who think that?.
    Just wait till sunday Mr Mustain.
    Happy your back here though

  6. So happy to hear the updates. We’re looking forward to talking to you on Monday. Love and Prayers, Dad, Mom, and Katelyn

  7. Thank you Chad for the great update. It sounds like God has put together a wonderful team for the England ministry. We appreciate all of your wisdom and hard work you are doing for our son, Robby Randleman. Sincerely, Barb Randleman