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Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, another week has come and gone and it’s time to post yet again.

There were not any huge events last week, just many of our regular activities. Again, we are seeing continued growth and progress in the young people we are working with. One of the young people I have asked you to pray for called Shinade has shown significant progress and growth as a person but is also increasingly curious about the life of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow him in the way you live. My teammate Rachel has had an important role in Shinade’s life.

On Saturday we took a group of young people indoor rock climbing. The most interesting thing about this rock climbing adventure is that the rock climbing facility is built inside of an old church here in Manchester. The church had been closed down about 15 years ago and about 12 years ago a group purchased the church and turned it into an indoor rock climbing facility for youth and community development. While it is sad that the church is no longer use in formal worship of God, it gives the people of Manchester a positive place to grow and be challenged as individuals.

On Sunday we had an all ages service at St. James’ Church. I lead worship and even had a “band” with me this time around. My roommate Drew played the jembe (something I have learned to play as well) and one of the young people from St. James’ Church played the flute. Having the jembe in the service was a huge step in the right direction for St. James’ Church to continue grow in their understand of the many ways in which to worship God through music. I also directed a drama of the “Good Samaritan” which we acted out in a more modern sense and called “The Good Football Supporter” (football meaning soccer).

On my day off on Friday I went to see James Morrison in concert. I purchased tickets to this concert back in October; so needless to say, I had been looking forward to it a great deal. James Morrison is just about the biggest music act running at the moment here in the United Kingdom. He is the recent winner of the British Male Solo Artist award. Keep a listen out for him in the States and when you hear of him, know that you heard about him from me. His concert was brilliant and he put on such a great show.

On Saturday evening I am using a few of my personal days off to go to Pisa and Florence, Italy. I am meeting up with one of my best friends that I’ve known since the 3rd grade from our days in Atlanta, GA. I am really looking forward to seeing some amazing sights and seeing my friend who I have not seen in close to 2 years.

I mentioned in my last post that I’ve written a new song. I’ve still not finished the song but have done some additional work on it. If you are interested in hearing it, email me at [email protected] and I’d be happy to email it to you. It will work best in iTunes but should work with other media players as well.

My dad will be arriving for a weeklong visit on March 9th. I am really looking forward to seeing him, having him meet my teammates and the people I am serving with in Manchester, and just experiencing life here. I’m also looking forward to our short visit down to London with him over our spring break week. I’m sure he’ll come back with some great stories as well as some peculiar findings as well.

The process on joining AIM officially in a staff capacity should hopefully be done soon. I will then be able to get you new financial information on joining with me in the ministry God is going in the greater Manchester area.

I just finished a brilliant book by a Scottish pastor called John L. Bell. I’d like to leave you with two thoughts from his book called “States of BLISS & Yearning:”

Spirituality is the oil which fuels the machinery by which we relate to God, to God’s world and to God’s people. It is a dynamic entity, not a static one. It pervades all of life and is not simply the preserve of special moments in sacred places. John L. Bell “States of BLISS & Yearning” p 10

God is bigger than the cosmic sadist who took our dearly loved granny away when we were ten. God is bigger than the old man in the sky who is obsessed with sexual conduct, but has no interest in financial misdemeanours. God is bigger than the Protestant deity we blesses the orange sash and despises the rosary. God has moved on from the hymns we sang childhood. God has moved on from the 16th century language of the Authorized Version. God has moved on from the male-dominated assemblies that our churches used to be. And the price to be paid for worshipping such a big God is that our idea of God has always to be changing, always growing bigger. John L. Bell “States of BLISS & Yearning” p 60-61

We love and serve a BIG God!! I hope you are each discovering him in new, fresh, and unconventional ways.

On the Road to Beautiful,