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In keeping with my reviews of the services this week, the Easter Service as St. James was wonderful today. Fresh flowers were in abundance this morning. Many special robes and decorates were worn and used to help celebrate our risen Saviour. St. James was also blessed to have Cannon Evangelist Robin Gamble from the Diocese of Manchester Cathedral (the head or main church for the area) speak today. In addition to being a gifted speaker and communicator, Robin was the brains behind the Jesus in Manchester video project that I was a part of.

The central point of Robin’s talk today was having a big Easter celebration every day. He used the Easter egg as his central illustration. The idea was that many people have a small idea or version of Jesus what he can be in their life, represented by a small chocolate egg. He ate several of these throughout this point and even tossed them into the congregation. His second point again used a chocolate egg, this time the Cadbury cream filled egg. He said this egg is in many ways like the Church of England. It’s a bit bigger and has a long and rich history in England. However, it is still not a sweet enough or big enough picture of Jesus and what he could be in one’s life. Again, Robin ate a Cadbury egg throughout this point. In his third point he brought out a giant chocolate Easter egg, about the size of an American football. Again, he proceeded to eat much the egg as he made his point that Jesus and his story are HUGE and are not to be enjoyed only on Easter and Christmas but to be lived and enjoyed all year long. And, just like Robin is addicted to Jesus and enjoys him every day, he says he enjoys and is addicted to chocolate as well. I don’t ever remember laughing as hard as I laughed during Robin’s talk today.

It was also a special service to me today because I had my top guitar student, Dean, play with me on the song “Lord I Lift Your Name On High.” While this is one of my least favourite worship songs, God has used it to teach me so much about worship and how he is the central figure of worship, not me. This song is a popular favourite at St. James and it ace to see worshippers from 5 years old to 85 years old use their voices and their bodies to worship our great God. Today this song was a celebration of an up and coming lead worshipper leading his family and friends in worship of our great God. I love the small moments that I get to help Dean see what it means to be a follower of Christ. It is the youth of St. James like Dean who will have a longer lasting impact on St. James and Salford than I could ever hope to have.

I can’t believe I have just over a month left on my current time in England. While I am looking forward to being in the States from about May 15th to August 1st, I’m excited to continue God’s work here in Salford. I will have information out to you this week about joining or rejoining with me in God’s work in the life of Dean and others in Salford.

(The Vicar says) Alleluia! The Christ is Risen! (and you repeat) Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!
