
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My emotions are very mixed these past few days. I have just 15 days left of my two-year time here in England. With each passing day I have that feeling of “this is the last time . . . .” Yet, in the midst of this sadness, I look forward to my new season of life that lies just ahead.

This past Sunday I lead worship at my last all age service at St. James’. I was honoured to have Dean play along side me. Dean truly has a musical gift. He has learned and become quite proficient with both the acoustic guitar and bass guitar during my time working with him. On Sunday he played his bass guitar along side me and did some singing as well. Dean has grown so much and it has been such a blessing to invest in him. While we were leading the song “Be Bold” based on Joshua 1:9, I realized the words we were singing were not only God’s words to you and me but my prayer for Dean.

“. . . .be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

My prayer for Dean is that he will be strong and courageous in his school, with his family, in his spiritual journey, and as he grows into a leader at St. James’.

Monday was my last lunch club at Cheetwood Primary School where I have worked the past two years as well. As usual we song lots of songs containing God’s truths, reviewed many of the bible lessons we’ve learned, and tried to leave them with the message of God’s love found in John 3:16. I would love to share pictures with you but unfortunately because of child protection laws in England, we were unable to take pictures of this group of great kids.

This morning I read one of my favourite Old Testament bible stories; the story of Abraham and Isaac. Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin of The Potter’s House in Jacksonville, Florida has some very interesting insight to this passage. In Genesis 22 we pick up the story with Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac, which God commanded in verse 2. Abraham was prepared to do what God had told him to do. In verse 10 Abraham raises the knife and is prepared to sacrifice his son (doing what God told him to do) but then in verses 11 and 12 an angel of the Lord tells Abraham to lay down the knife and Abraham does so, listening to what God is telling him to do.

McLaughlin offers these insights:

“You have to be willing to do what God is telling you to do because so many of us are stuck in what he told us to do. But if all you know is what he told you and you don’t have ears to do what he is telling you, then you won’t be able to progress and do some of the things God wants you to do.”

I have spent the past 2 years in England doing what God has told me to do. Heather has done the same this past year in South Africa. Together we are praying for ears to hear what God is telling us to do presently. We ask you to pray with us, that we might have ears to do what God is telling us to do.

If you would like more information about joining with us in prayer and financial support of what we believe God is telling us to do, please click this link to a previous blog:

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. We could not do this with out you. If you would like to support us or continue your support of us please contact me at [email protected] or click this link:

For the Famous One,
Chad Mustain