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I think it is strange that we are able to pass something every day and take little notice of it. I’ve walked by St. John’s church and graveyard countless times without really taking much notice of the more subtle details. Last week as I was walking by as I often do, I looked to my left and noticed that a tree had over grown an old gravestone.

Over the past few days I have found myself thinking again and again about this gravestone over run by a tree. I think sin sometimes works in the same way that this tree has. Over the course of years and years this tree has grown little by little. Because the tree was left unattended, it was allowed to grow its roots down deep and take over a space where it was never intended to be.  Now, today, the tree has quite literally overtaken this old gravestone. To remove the tree would be a difficult process and one would have consider how much damage removing the tree would do to the grave stone that dates back to 1876.

Sin can work in a very similar fashion. If sin is able to grow little by little and year-by-year, it can quite literally over-take an individual much like the tree above. So how does one avoid this? The bible teaches self-examination (Leviticus 3:40) and accountability (Ecclesiastes 3:9-10) to avoid falling victim to deeply rooted sins. In preparation for marriage, Heather and I have been working through the junk and baggage of our pasts and even current struggles. While it has been difficult, we’ve been so blessed to have some great friends to help us with this process. While we still have a lifetime of learning, work, and growth ahead of us, I think we are on right path.

So, I am messy and a work in progress. I find hope in strength that I am God’s masterpiece and that he has created me anew in Christ Jesus to do the good things he planned for me long ago (Ephesians 2:10).

As I continue on my journey, in the midst of God’s work in my life and my messiness I find hope in Paul’s words:

“Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope”(Ephesians 3:20).

A work in progress,


3 responses to “A Work in Progress”

  1. What an interesting observation. Here is another take: maybe the tree is ‘righteousness’ (Psalm 1) which under the nourishing eye of Gods truth and grace(represented by the church building in the background)grows steady over the course of time subsuming the dead parts in me, yielding life, shade and rest to those around me…?

  2. Or maybe it’s a picture of the necessity of persistence if life is to overcome death – the small daily growth of faith and perseverance that turns one day into a giant tree. One day at a time, dear Chad – one day at a time.

  3. Hi Chad! Im 12 years old and I went to New Life Bible church with you a while ago… I wanted to tell you that your message was really awesome and that it was moving!! Thanks!! Valarie