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Slow Going

So, this is about the longest I've gone without blogging in several weeks. I've just been in a bit of a funk and it's been slow going in my life, therefore, I just didn't have much to write about. … Read more about Slow Going

Great Friends

I just finished a video Skype conversation with my good friend and accountability partner Don Rock. Saying Don is my accountability partner seems a bit cheesy and I don't think really does justice to … Read more about Great Friends

Evening Off

In life it's important to do things that fill you, that recharge your batteries, and make you feel alive. Well for me, music and specifically lives shows are one of those things that recharge me and … Read more about Evening Off

The Windmill

I just returned from my midweek highlight. Each Wednesday at 11:30 I go to the Windmill Pub and Carvery with my good friend Madeline Walker. We are regular's around the Windmill and are know by nearly … Read more about The Windmill

The Eden Bus

So one of the ministries I help lead (somehow I became co-project leader) is called the Eden Bus. The Eden Bus is a ministry put on by the organization called The Message … Read more about The Eden Bus


So yesterday I had the opportunity to lead worship at St. James' Church in Broughton in the morning and then at St. Andrew's Church in Blackley in the evening. It never ceases to amaze me how God … Read more about Gratitude

Many Blessings

So, on this day of Thanksgiving, I reflect on my many blessings. I am blessed to be part of a great organization like Adventures in Missions. I am blessed to serve with an awesome team of staff and … Read more about Many Blessings